The Contest

The International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) is the largest programming contest among university and college students in the world. This contest was initiated in 1976 by ACM and seeks to engage academics and the information technology industry in shining the spotlight on the next generation of computing professionals and scholars, and to encourage the development of and to recognize excellent team work, programming skills, and problem-solving talent.

The contest is a two-tiered competition among teams of students representing institutions of higher education. Teams first compete in the regional contests held around the world from September to November each year. The winning team from each regional contest advances to the ICPC World Finals. Additional high-ranking teams may be invited to the World Finals as wild card teams.

Tehran Site

The 24th Asian Regional Contest in Iran will be hosted by Sharif University of Technology. The Tehran contest is scheduled to be held on Thursday, May 30 and Friday, May 31, 2024 (10-11 Khordad, 1403). We are hosting about 80 teams of university students from Iran and countries in the Asia.

The winning teams of Tehran contest will automatically advance to the 48th ICPC world finals to be held in 2024 in Astana.